Jacob J. Peoples
PhD, Computer Science

I am a computer scientist and researcher, currently working as a post-doc in the Medical Computing Laboratory on radiomic analysis of medical images.
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See my academic CV below, or in pdf format.
- 2016 – 2020
PhD Computing, Queen's University
- Supervisor: Randy Ellis
- Thesis: Composition of Transformations in Feature-Based Registration
- 2014 – 2016
- Promoted to PhDMSc Computing, Queen's University
- Supervisor: Randy Ellis
- 2010 – 2014
- GPA: 4.15/4.3BScH Mathematical Physics, Queen's University
- Received the undergraduate medal in mathematical physics at graduation
Journal Articles
- J3
- N. Horvat, J. Miranda, M. E. Homsi, J. J. Peoples, N. M. Long, A. L. Simpson, and R. K. G. Do: A primer on texture analysis in abdominal radiology. Abdominal Radiology, 2021. (doi: 10.1007/s00261-021-03359-3)
- J2
- K. Scott, D. Stuart, J. Peoples, G. Bisleri, and R. Ellis: Efficient Automatic 2D/3D Registration of Cardiac Ultrasound and CT Images. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 2020. (doi: 10.1080/21681163.2020.1835555)
- J1
- J. J. Peoples, G. Bisleri, and R. E. Ellis: Deformable multimodal registration for navigation in beating-heart cardiac surgery. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2019. (doi: 10.1007/s11548-019-01932-2)
Refereed Conference Papers
- C2
- J. J. Peoples and R. E. Ellis: Composition of Transformations in the Registration of Sets of Points or Oriented Points. In ShapeMI 2020: Shape in Medical Imaging, 2020. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-61056-2_1)
- C1
- J. Peoples and R. Ellis: A Generalizable Framework for Domain-Specific Nonrigid Registration: Application to Cardiac Ultrasound. In 2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2020. (doi: 10.1109/ISBI45749.2020.9098434)
Refereed Abstracts
- A2
- M. S. Hefny, J. J. Peoples, M. L. Zec, D. R. Pichora, and R. E. Ellis: Topologically consistent triangulation for computer assisted surgery planning. In CARS 2016, International Journal of Computer Assisted Surgery (Suppl 1), 2016.
- A1
- M. S. Hefny, J. J. Peoples, M. L. Zec, D. R. Pichora, and R. E. Ellis: Atlas-based scaphoid fixation planning. In Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of CAOS-International, 2016.
- Pr1
- K. Cannon, C. Hanna, and J. Peoples: Likelihood-ratio ranking statistic for compact binary coalescence candidates with rate estimation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.04632, 2015.
Research Experience
- 2020/09 – Present
Post-doctoral Fellow, Queen's University
- Conducting research on machine learning and radiomics applied to various clinical datasets and projects
- Helping supervise and guide student research projects
- 2020/06 – 2020/08
Research Assistant, Queen's University
- Early stage research into application of deep learning to brain tumour detection
- Helping to design patient specific surgical guides for the spine
- 2016/09 – 2020/04
Graduate Researcher (PhD), Queen's University
- Research on nonrigid point set registration toward doctoral thesis
- Point Set Registration
- Developed novel algorithms for point set registration using state-of-the-art statistical methods
- Implemented custom software using MATLAB, Python/TensorFlow and C++
- Designed and conducted experiments for validation and testing of robustness
- Cardiac Image Registration
- Developed a novel method of aligning intraoperative ultrasound and preoperative CT cardiac images
- Implemented custom software in MATLAB and C++ to do the registration and analysis
- Helped supervise and oversaw the onboarding of two undergraduate researchers
- 2014/09 – 2016/08
Graduate Researcher (Master's), Queen's University
- Research on 3D mesh processing and statistical shape modeling toward Master's thesis
- Preprocessing 3D Mesh Geometry
- Developed novel meshing algorithms to prepare data for an in-house statistical shape modeling algorithm
- Implemented custom software in MATLAB and C++ to process 3D data
- Study of Wrist Surgery Planning
- Oversaw clinician participants as they completed drill plans to be analyzed in the study
- Conducted preprocessing on data with custom software and novel algorithms
- 2015/10 – 2016/01
Special Research Student, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
- Research on statistical shape modeling of the liver using then state-of-the-art methods
- Provided a seminar to hosting research group on shape modeling methods
- 2013/05 – 2013/08
Summer Undergraduate Researcher, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
- Research and software development in Python as part of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration
Teaching Experience
- 2018 Winter
Teaching Fellow, Queen's University, Discrete Mathematics for Computing I (CISC102)
- Sole instructor of mandatory first year computer science course with over 100 students
- Responsible for lectures, office hours, and all other course materials
- Worked with students requiring special accommodations to ensure all needs were met
- Managed a team of teaching assistants to aid with grading and office hours
- 2017 Winter
Guest Lecturer, Queen's University, Continuous Coordinate Transformations (CISC881)
- Provided 3 lectures on differential geometry (2017/01/14, 2017/01/16, 2017/03/28)
- 2016 Fall, 2014 Fall
Teaching Assistant, Queen's University, Discrete Mathematics for Computing I (CISC102)
- Held office hours, graded and proctored tests, edited and suggested problems for exams
- 2015 Fall
Teaching Assistant, Queen's University, Logic for Computing Science (CISC204)
- Lead group tutorial sessions, graded and proctored tests
Awards and Honours
Research Scholarships
- 2017/09 – 2020/08
- NSERC PGS-D, CAD 21,000 per annum
- 2015/05 – 2016/04
- NSERC Alexander G. Bell CGS-M, CAD 17,500
- 2016/09 – 2017/08
- Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology, CAD 15,000
- 2015/11 – 2016/01
- JASSO Student Exchange Support Program for Short Term Study in Japan
- 2013/05 – 2013/08
- NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Award
Undergraduate Awards
All awards listed below were awarded by Queen's University- 2014
- Medal in Mathematical Physics, Dean's Honour List
- 2013
- Dean's Honour List, Nellie and Ralph Jeffery Award in Mathematics
- 2012
- Dean's Honour List with Distinction, Susan Near Prize in Mathematics, Susan Near Prize in Physics, Dora and Beatrice Helmkay Scholarship in Mathematics
- 2011
- Dean's Honour List with Distinction, William Coombs Baker Memorial Prize, Day Prize in Physics and Mathematics, Annie Bentley Lillie Prize in First Year Calculus, Principal's Scholarship
- 2010
- Principal's Scholarship
Conference Presentations
- T3
- J. J. Peoples and R. E. Ellis: Composition of Transformations in the Registration of Sets of Points or Oriented Points. Presented at ShapeMI MICCAI 2020, (Remote), 2020/10/04
- T2
- J. J. Peoples, G. Bisleri, and R. E. Ellis: Deformable Multi-Modal Registration for Navigation in Beating-Heart Cardiac Surgery. Presented at IPCAI 2019, Rennes, France, by J. J. Peoples, 2019/06/19
- Chosen by audience vote after short talk given previous day
- T1
- J. J. Peoples, G. Bisleri, and R. E. Ellis: Deformable Multi-Modal Registration for Navigation in Beating-Heart Cardiac Surgery. Presented at IPCAI 2019, Rennes, France, by J. J. Peoples, 2019/06/18 (video)
- P1
- J. J. Peoples, G. Bisleri, and R. E. Ellis: Deformable Multi-Modal Registration for Navigation in Beating-Heart Cardiac Surgery. Presented at IPCAI 2019, Rennes, France, by J. J. Peoples, 2019/06/18 to 2019/06/19